Our solution is simple: streaming. We pay the
monthly subscription fees for Netflix and Hulu Plus (which both have apps for
Bluray, Wii, Xbox, etc), for about $8 each. With a Netflix streaming
account, we have access to movies and TV shows that are somewhat older
or not as popular, but we still find plenty of options to interest us.
And with Hulu Plus we have access to MOST currently airing TV shows,
with the exception of one major cable network,
which allows you to stream these shows from their website. For free.
So, I'll whip out my mental calculator real quick:
we pay $16 per month for access to 1000s of movies and TV shows,
including currently-airing favorites. We watch them whenever we want
after the original air date. Cable companies charge between $100 and
$150 per month for cable channels - after the 3 to 6 month promotional
rates sky rocket again. And don't forget those extra fees.... $10 here
for "HD channels," $10 there for your DVR, $5 every few months to see
if you're paying attention to your charges...
Why would we pay $100 + per month to gain access to the same content we can get for $16 per month?
Plus you can find plenty of special free-month
trials for each. This plan may not be for everyone, but it works for
us. We may go back to cable one day for the convenience factor, but for
the moment, the extra money toward debt is totally worth it.
+ $84/mo = $1008/yr toward feeding Everest.
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